Sponsor Prairie Nation Creative, LLC: Video Outreach

A lot of places that can’t be saved are often left sitting because the right developer isn’t aware of the it until it’s to late. Unfortunately, we have seen this countless times.

That’s why we decided to team up with Prairie Nation Creative, LLC to feature at risk places that need to be seen by developers. Our Video Outreach Program we can now produce a high quality “Call to Action” video outlining:

  • The building’s unique history
  • Current condition / Things needed to be done
  • Potential investment opportunity within the area
  • The area it’s located
  • Why it needs saving
  • And much more

It would include interviews from historians and make a statement about why this should be redeveloped and show potential for how someone could profit.

But that’s not all! Over the last 10 years, we have met and worked with developers all over the midwest as well as gained over 100,000 followers via daily traffic to our websites, social media, etc. Once the video is produced, we would broadcast it everywhere we can and set up meeting with potential investors to see if they would be interested or if they know someone else to contact.

Have a building that needs a Video?

Contact us at board@AbandonedAtlas.com to feature your historic property via our Video Outreach Program.


We recently produced a micro-documentary for the Page Woodson / Douglass High School building on 6th & Stonewall. This building was in really bad shape and was successfully restored just a few years ago. This piece shows the message of why it was restored and how we would incorporate the same theme into our other pieces.